Monday 22 August 2016

Intro to Nekroz - Part 4

DAM SON presents the final part of Intro to Nekroz - Part 4. In this part, I will be listing the combos for the many engines of Nekroz, that were previously listed in Part 3. For those who have not watched Part 3, do check it out before reading this article. Before heading down to the list of combos, do take note that not all combos are listed as poor me may not know every single combos possible so take it easy and do comment on any important combos I had forgotten to list.

1) Shaddolls

Combo 1

In Hand: Shaddoll Fusion + Clausolas

1. Activate Shaddoll Fusion and ditch Fiendish Horn Rhino and Shaddoll Hedgehog to summon El Shaddoll Shekhinaga.
2. Send Djinn to the grave by Fiendish Horn Rhino's effect.
3. Add Shaddoll Beast to hand by Shaddoll Hedgehog's effect.
4. Send Clausolas to grave to add Nekroz Cycle.
5. Activate Nekroz Cycle to summon Clausolas by banishing Djinn.

Resulting field: Shekhinaga and Clausolas (Djinn Lock) + Shaddoll Beast in hand.
This combo is only possible if your opponent have an Extra Deck Monster on the field. Thus, you would prefer to go second.

Combo 2

In Hand: Any 2 of the following: Valkyrus/Clausolas/ManjuORSenju
On the field: Set Shaddoll Falco
In the grave: Shaddoll Hedgehog

1. Flip Shaddoll Falco to Special Summon Shaddoll Hedgehog
2. Normal Manju/Senju and add whatever you are missing (Valkyrus/Clausolas).
3. Send Clausolas to the grave to add Nekroz Mirror.
4. Ritual Summon Valkyrus by tributing Falco, Hedgehog and by banishing Clausolas.
5. Add Shaddoll Beast to hand by Shaddoll Hedgehog's Effect.
6. Activate Valkyrus's effect to tribute Manju/Senju and Shaddoll Beast to draw 2 cards.
7. Shaddoll Beast effect allows you to draw 1 card.

Resulting field: Valkyrus + 3 Additional card in hand.
This combo is used to generate hand advantage in the late-game especially if Combo 1 fails and your graveyard is set for your Shaddoll Falco.

Combo 3

In Hand: Any 3 Clausolas/Gungnir/Kaleidoscope/Manju + Senju

1. Normal Manju/Senju to add whateever you are missing (Clausolas/Gungnir/Kaleidoscope)
2. Activate Kaleidoscope to summon Clausolas and Gungnir by tributing Shekhinaga.
3. If you have a Shaddoll Spell/Trap in the grave, salvage it with Shekhinaga's effect.

Resulting field: Clausolas + Gungnir
This is a rather desperate combo but it does works if you need that Shaddoll Fusion or El Shaddoll Fusion to set up for OTK plays.

Combo 4

In Hand: Shaddoll Fusion + Any 2 (Gungnir/Nekroz Ritual Spell/Manju Or Senju)

1. Activate Shaddoll Fusion and ditch Djinn and Shaddoll Hedgehog to summon El Shaddoll Winda.
2. Add Shaddoll Dragon to hand by Shaddoll Hedgehog's effect.
3. If you have Manju/Senju on the field, you can instead add Shaddoll Falco or Beast other than Shaddoll Dragon in Step 2.
4. Ritual Summon Gungnir with Djinn and Manju/Senju/Shaddoll Dragon.

Resulting field: Winda + Gungnir
This combo is very formidable if you have sufficient "bullets" for Gungnir. Gungnir serves as a vessel for Djinn and its "Raigeki Break" effect can pop threats like Jowgen and Al-Lumi'raj. Best of all, you can pop backrow especially during your opponent's turn. If your opponent were to activate cards like Dark Hole and clear the board, Winda serves as a Plan B as she cannot be destroyed by card effect.

2) Speedroids

Combo 1

In Hand: Speedroid Terrortop

1. Special Summon Speedroid Terrortop.
2. Add Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice to your hand by Terrortop's effect.
3. Normal Summon Red-Eyed Dice
4. Synchro summon to Herald of the Arc Light.

Resulting field: Herald of the Arc Light
Summoning Herald of the Arc Light can generate pluses for your deck as it is literally a Manju and an Infernity Barrier combined.

Combo 2

In Hand: Speedroid Terrortop

1. Special Summon Speedroid Terrortop
2. Add Speedroid Takentomborg to your hand by Terrortop's effect
3. Special Summon Takentomborg
4. Xyz to any of the following based on the situation
- 4.1 Leviair the Sea Dragon (To recycle banished Shurit or Djinn)
- 4.2 Mechquipped Angineer/Totem Bird (Protection Card)
- 4.3 Super Quantal Mech Beast Grampulse/ The Phantom Knights of Breaksword (Removal Card)
- 4.4 Dante, Traveller of The Burning Abyss (If you are feeling lucky and actually played that card)

Resulting field: 1 of the following Rank 3 Xyz in Step 4.
This combo is very versatile and acts as a toolbox, being able to remove threats, protect important cards and recycle used cards. Best of all, all this takes just 1 card and not a single normal summon. This means that you still can summon Manju/Senju for maximum value.

Combo 3

In Hand: Speedroid Terrortop
In Grave: Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice

1.Special Summon Speedroid Terrortop
2. Add Speedroid Double Yo-yo to hand by Terrortop's effect
3. Normal Summon Double Yo-yo.
4. Special Summon Red-Eyed Dice from grave by Double Yo-yo's ability.
5. Red-Eyed Dice effect to change Terrortop to level 4.
6. From here on, you have 2 paths, either go for an Rank 4 Xyz or skip to Step 7.
7. Synchro Summon the original Trishula. (Double Yo-yo (Level 4) + Terrortop (Level 4) + Red-Eyed Dice(Level 1) = Trsihula, Dragon of the Ice Barriers (Level 9).
8. Alternatively, you can manipulate levels by Red-Eyed Dice effect in Step 5. and go for any Synchro Monster you desire.

Resulting field: Rank 4 + Red-Eyed Dice/Trishula/ Level 4 to Level 11 Generic Synchro Monster.
Drawing into double Terrortop and thought that you bricked hand? Well not anymore as drawing into double Terrortop allows you to execute Combo 1 in your first turn and Combo 3 in your next turn. Summoning the original Trishula will surprise your opponent who used up all his hand to ensure he doesn't get Nekroz Trishula-ed.

3) Deskbots

Combo 1

In Hand: Deskbot 003

1. Normal Summon Deskbot 003
2. Special Summon Deskbot 001 from deck by Deskbot 003's effect.
3. Synchro into Herald of the Arc Light.

Resulting field: Herald of the Arc Light
Summoning Herald of the Arc Light can generate pluses for your deck as it is literally a Manju and an Infernity Barrier combined. (Yup exact copy-paste from Speedroid Combo 1)

Combo 2

In Hand: Deskbot 004
In Grave: Deskbot 001

1. Normal Summon Deskbot 004.
2. Battle an opponent's monster with 1900 ATK or less.
3. Activate Deskbot 004's effect to mill Deskbot 003 to gain 1500 ATK.
4. Upon successfully destroying an opponent's monster, special summon Deskbot 003 and Deskbot 001 from the graveyard (Or hand) by Deskbot 004's effect.
5. Synchro Summon Herald of the Arc Light by Deskbot 001 and Deskbot 003.
6. From this point you can either end your turn or proceed to Step 7.
7. Xyz Herald and Deskbot 004 to a Rank 4 Xyz Monster

Resulting field: Herald of the Arc Light + Deskbot 004/ Rank4 Xyz Monster
Herald effect triggers upon being sent to the graveyard. This means that Herald in the Xyz material is almost a guarantee that you will get it's effect off unless interrupted by a Solemn Strike.

Combo 3

Requirements: Completed Combo 1 and Combo 2.

1. At Combo 2.7, you can Xyz Herald to any Rank 4 Xyz Monster.
2. Xyz into Outer God Nyarla.
3. Detach all its materals to attach Herald from Combo 1 to it. (Assuming Herald in Combo 1 was sent to the grave)
4. Trigger the Herald detached by Nyarla in Combo 2.

Resulting field: Outer God Nyarla (Herald Attached) + A free Search off Herald
This combo is good as it loops around 2 Heralds and if undisturbed, will generate crazy amount of pluses.

Combo 4 

In Hand: Deskbot 004
In Grave: Deskbot 001

1. Normal Summon Deskbot 004.
2. Battle an opponent's monster with 1900 ATK or less.
3. Activate Deskbot 004's effect to mill Deskbot 003 to gain 1500 ATK.
4. Upon successfully destroying an opponent's monster, special summon Deskbot 003 and Deskbot 001 from the graveyard (Or hand) by Deskbot 004's effect.
5. Synchro Summon Deskbot 001 and Deskbot 004 to Naturia Beast.

Resulting field: Naturia Beast + Deskbot 003
The Deskbot archetype is blessed by Konami to be of EARTH attribute. This means that it have access to the infamous Naturia Beast. Combined with the Djinn Lock and it is very difficult to clear that field.

4) Treatoad

Combo 1

In Hand: Unicore + Kaleidoscope/Clausolas

1. Discard Clausolas for Kaleidoscope.
2. Activate Kaleidoscope and ditch Herald to summon Unicore.
3. Activate Herald's ability to add Brionac to hand.
4. Discard Brionac to add Dance Princess of the Nekroz to hand
5. Normal Summon Dance Princess
6. Xyz Unicore and Dance Princess to summon Bahamut Shark
7. Use Bahamut Shark's effect to summon Treatoad from the Extra Deck

Resulting field: Bahamut Shark + Treatoad
Treatoad allows you to "Infernity Barrier" a card and salvage any WATER monster in the process. The main role of Treatoad is to ensure Bahamut Shark survives so that it could summon a 2nd Treatoad next turn.

Combo 2

In Hand: Gishki Chain + Unicore + Kaleidoscope/Clausolas

1. Normal Summon Gishki Chain and hopefully it reveals Unicore/Clausolas/Kaleidoscope (#Tyco is a Skill)
2. Do the necessary steps to summon Unicore (We have been repeating it for quite a while so I assume you know how that combo works)
3. Xyz into Bahamut Shark with Gishki Chain and Unicore
4. Special Summon Treatoad with Bahamut Shark's effect.

Resulting field: Bahamut Shark + Treatoad
All of Treatoad combos ends off with field. Combine it with Djinn Lock and it will be a very difficult floodgate to clear.

Combo 3

In Hand: Silent Angler/Jigabyte
On the field: Level 4 WATER Spellcaster (Unicore/Dance Princess) Or Gishki Chain with Silent Angler

1. If you have a WATER Spellcaster on the field, Special Summon either Jigabyte/ Silent Angler.
2. If you have a WATER non-spellcaster, you can Special Summon Silent Angler instead but do take note that you cannot Special Summon anything from your hand this turn.
3. Xyz to Bahamut Shark
4. Special Summon Treatoad via Bahamut Shark's effect.

Resulting field: Bahamut Shark + Treatoad
Jigabyte and Silent Angler adds speed to the deck to enable easy Rank 4 Plays

Nekroz is my favourite Archetype and I hope that it will receive a stable support/tech so that it will no longer just rely on Djinn to win games. The unfair advantage that Djinn locks provides, while I may appreciate it, makes Nekroz no different from decks like Chain Burn, where your opponent ends up saltier than the dead sea upon losing.
Looking forward to Raging Tempest for Nekroz supports. I will immediately (within the week of release) post any Nekroz Support Article if it is worthy and viable. However do give my time and cut me some slack as I, as a student, have exams to deal with too. Dam Son here signing off here, concluding the end of Intro to Nekroz. Until then~


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